02 810 8892-6

Boost Your Sales

iCONSTHAI.COM is one of special services which focuses on company’s contact list. Those contacts can be companies or partnerships or organizations.Anyway, all contacts will be related to real estate industry, such as contractors, developers, consultants including all government organization. Information will show their past and present works. There are more than 40,000 contacts and keep coming covering all 77 provinces in Thailand.

Competence in an information field gained through experience for 16years. Our professional team insists the good quality, reliability, and accuracy, We update and post information everyday.

This information recommends to sales team who is ready to do sales approach. We generate leads for you continuously, so that you don’t need to waste your time from finding information until checking if it’s correct or useful. iCONSTHAI serves you here; names, address, contact number, email address, website and company’s status. Saving your time and expense with fast delivery of information including helpful systems.

Interested, please contact for subscription by clicking here.


Targeted Leads

Tired? Too much informations.
Tired? Unwanted information.
Try&Have fun with your selectable choice of information.


Time Saving

Using 1 minute for searching information and then use more 5 minutes to find out that it is unwanted one. What do you say? You may be fine, but for iCONSThai it is unacceptable.


Cost Saving

Saving cost is not only how much you pay, but it does relates to what you get.As well as spending nothing, can not say it is cost saving.


Accuracy and Reliability

Accuracy and Reliability will make you different and become leader. Wrong information is not different to holding junk. It is a time to dump.


Thought Revolution

"It is just a directory." It is an outdated idea in past 20-30 years ago.We can't deny that it is also an innovation, but time is changed.


Good information is not free served.

It's not wrong to say that searching Google, will find some information. Wait! Is it useful/correct information? Is it...?

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Contact Us


207/178-179 Petchkasem Rd., Nongkhangplu Nongkhaem Bangkok 10160


(+662) 810 6687 , (+662) 810 8892-6


(+662) 810 6147 , (+662) 810 8897

Thank you for your interest in iCONS.We will contact you shortly.